I am at the prime of my adult life and should have had my life in order by now. Did the biblical studies thought it was a religious thing, updated and perfected my resume, thought that was the other thing. Sat hours and hours searching and applying for work, thought i was not putting in enough effort so changed that. Studied again and applied certification knowledge to my name to up an NQF5 same as bookkeeping business knowledge to my name nearly two years ago although had close to eighteen years' experience in the same skill. No bad background checks, just a really bad credit score and can't settle that. Pandemic hit all of us, lost two vehicles to stay off the streets. Now have to use public transportation or work from home. White and Caucasian, still so much new cultures that could be added but am i being out rooted because i am in an African Country where most locals are speaking eight plus languages(More or less the same but it just sounds so fancy on resume?)
I am losing hope here peeps, I need to be recognized and fast. Am i being disqualified for being on anti depressants on a spiritual level? Help Please someone I know my worth, but struggling several years for my own company and nearing four completely without work is besides me. How will i start a family ever i am nearing my mid 30's?
Herewith Profiles for resume distribution as well as on my elpha profile