
Focus & Flow for Changemakers

Monday I'm kicking off Focus & Flow, a productivity, time optimization & self-regulation program for Women Changemakers. This is a 4 week course to improve your focus, find your flow and maximize your impact. You'll

  • Learn the hormonal differences between men & women and how this affects how you work and live,
  • Understand the benefits of a female-optimized working approach
  • Learn how to utilize Cyclical Wisdom & Seasonality to your advantage to maximize your impact in the world
  • Be guided through principles from Menstrual awareness, Chinese Medicine and learn tools for self-regulation, including embodied movement and mindfulness practices (Yoga, Meditation and Qigong)

I'm looking for women who would like to be in the beta round - You'll be able to experience the program (Worth $497) for free in exchange for feedback and testimonials.Want to find out more? Read & apply here.Applications close 19 Feb Saturday. Your journey kicks off 21 Feb!

The tenets underlying this course can be found in this post previously published on Elpha

If you have any questions feel free to comment below, dm or email me

@sliang tagging you as you mentioned from a previous post that the idea of tuning to your cycles resonates with you :)
Ah this looks great! My learning schedule is pretty packed at the moment so I might not be able to participate fully in the course (and I see I missed the deadline anyways). If I can give you feedback in any other way, do let me know!