
New: Free Monthly Online Peer Support Groups for Working Moms

Elpha moms! Liftery (formerly Laddrr) is partnering with Lean In to offer free peer support groups just for moms.

Liftery Circles provide a safe space for building connections and pursuing career goals with like-minded women... and for discussing working-mom struggles and solutions with others who truly understand.

There are Circles specifically for job seekers, moms in technical roles, career transitioners, individual contributors, people managers, single moms, fifth trimester moms, and moms returning to work. (Need something different? Pls let me know ↓↓)

Each Circle is guided by a leader who's an executive/career coach. Or a re-entry educator. Or a psychologist. Or a recruiter. Or an engineering leader. Or... (you get the picture).

It's online, it doesn't take a lot of time, and it fills you up!

Join your Circle at