

Hello fellow Elphas! Hope everyone in the northern hemisphere had a wonderful summer and shout out to those about to roll into spring. 🌸

I am starting another season of my podcast Moodally Matters which was rated in the top 2.5% by Listen Notes.

This season I would like to focus on SKILLS. Specifically what skills do you have or do you believe are required to improve wellness & well-being in the workplace. I'm looking for a range of guests, and a range of skills, to put together a wide variety of experiences and points of view.

If you are interested can you please message me here or reach me at [email protected] and tell me a little bit about you, your career, and what skill is important for you.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you!


Hi Erika! I am trained in worksite wellness and am launching a new product to help predict and prevent disease and also find what is at the root cause of worksite wellness barriers to help develop programs. Would love to tell you more about it!
Hi Rosi, thanks for your message. At the moment I'm not developing anymore episodes for Moodally Matters (the post is from 2022) but that doesn't mean I won't in the future. I'll be happy to be in touch when/if it happens!