
Office Hours: We’re on a mission to raise over $1M in 26 days for reproductive access via ChoiceDAO. We’re Reshma Saujani and Sahar Afrakhan. Ask us anything!Featured

Hi Elphas!

We’re Reshma Saujani and Sahar Afrakhan. We believe choice is a prerequisite for freedom.

On June 24th, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, erasing 50 years of progress in an instant. Abortion will likely be banned in 26 states to the fullest extent.

ChoiceDAO was launched in response to the overturning of Roe.

We’re a global community of activists and Web3 enthusiasts. We’re bringing nonprofits and bottoms-up grassroots organizing into Web3 to complement and supercharge existing efforts in reproductive healthcare.

Our first Mission is to raise over $1M in 26 days for frontline organizations fighting for access to reproductive healthcare (not: lobbyists, massive foundations, politicians).

Though, focusing on pure capital discounts the community — which in many ways is more powerful than money.

We know this is a decade long fight and we know also that to win, we are going to have to activate new people and new ideas.

People are outraged by the infringement on reproductive rights. They want to get engaged but are not sure what to do. Yes, a person can donate, they can vote, they can tweet, but ultimately people want to participate in bringing about change. The DAO structure incentivizes participation, and through that, a community can quickly and meaningfully assist the fight for reproductive rights — or any other initiative — at global scale. We want Web3 to be a galvanizing force in the social movement space.

Reshma: I’m the Founder of Girls Who Code and the Founder and CEO of Marshall Plan for Moms, a movement to center mothers in our economic recovery and value our labor by advocating for policies that support moms.

As the first Indian American woman to run for US Congress, I’ve spent more than a decade building movements to fight for women and girls’ economic empowerment, working to close the gender gap in the tech sector, and most recently advocating for policies to support moms impacted by the pandemic.

I currently live in New York City with my husband, Nihal, our sons, Shaan and Sai, and our bulldog, Stanley.

Sahar: I was part of the early team over @ Superhuman, and helped build our product and onboarding arms out. We built tools to empower people to be their best and most productive selves. I grew up in the office of a nonprofit, and witnessed the power of grassroots organizing and activism firsthand. I created a model for Foundations across the country to engage their youth in the grantmaking process, and organized an annual conference to continue the conversation around that engagement. As part of the upcoming generation of activists, I believe we need to change our approach — involve people globally — and am excited about the potential that technology is unlocking!

Ask us anything about Web3, DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations), ChoiceDAO, our journeys, product, or anything else!

Thanks so much for joining us @reshmasaujani!Elphas – please ask @reshmasaujani your questions before Friday, July 15th. @reshmasaujani may not have time to answer every questions, so emoji upvote your favorites 🔥👍🏾➕
I love this. We need to energize and support our body-autonomy. Please keep me posted!
Thank you so much for your support Catherine! To stay up to date, you can follow us on Twitter: also welcome you to join our Discord (where most of the community conversation is happening!): is aiming to open for direct contributions early next week. We'll update our website over the weekend, which is where you can go to contribute there: Once we're open, we'll announce it on Twitter too :)
That's really incredible! HOW CAN WE HELP?!Also big fan of you @reshmasaujani and of Girls Who Code, was able to mentor a lot of young girls there previously and I had always gotten so much joy out of it!
Thanks so much for supporting the girls
Do you know which frontline orgs you’ll donate to yet? Or do you have criteria established?
Hi Reshma and Sahar!This is the first time I’ve heard of DAOs. What should I know? Why are they important? Thanks for sharing your career paths, inspiring to read!
Hi Emily! Thanks so much for your question :)In short: a DAO stands for "decentralized autonomous organization". DAOs are internet communities that organize around a shared mission, and are powered by Web3/blockchain technology.For example: ChoiceDAO is a community of volunteer activists formed to fund and participate in the fight for reproductive rights.DAOs have so many different use cases: social communities, investment clubs, NFT projects, humanitarian work and so on.I believe DAOs hold the keys to the future of social movements, and will define the upcoming generation of activists. There are far too many of us that feel helpless right now. We can donate, we can vote, we can tweet, but we're still wondering "what does that actually do?". Decentralization, a feature of DAOs, breaks slower and traditional organizational hierarchies and gives power back to the people. It means that, and for the first time in history, we can quickly mobilize people all over the world. We're no longer held back by geography; the technology lets us move quickly. And can be leveraged in meaningful ways if done right. Let's say our community has 1000 people. If we can inspire 1 hour per week from each of our members, that's 1000 hours that we can infuse into the the process of change!For more about DAOs generally, here's a quick read:
@reshmasaujani I have a significant network of people and business leaders via Culture Amp as their Culture First Lead + I am an advocate for women and underrepresented groups in the workplace creating a better world of work for us! How can I help?
Tell them about ChoiceDAO and ask them to join the discord
Amazing Andra! I shared the links with Catherine up above but re-posting here:Twitter: echo Resh, we'd love you to join our Discord (where most of the community conversation is happening!):'re aiming to open for direct contributions early next week. Our website will be updated ahead of that, which is where you'll be able to go to contribute:
Thank you for your work. Please keep us posted RE when you are ready to accept donations.
Will do