
I want to share a little storytelling framework that has helped me so much as an entrepreneur.

When I first started my business,I found myself paralysed trying to figure out how to compellingly share my offerings.Storytelling felt overwhelming!But over time, through trial and error (so.much.error 😅), I developed this simple structure that has been absolute magic:

  • Start by opening up about a struggling your target audience may be facing
  • Address the emotions in that problem so they feel seen
  • Introduce your offering as a way to ease their pain
  • Explain how it solves & transforms their problem
  • Provide solid proof that your solution works
  • Make a bold yet caring promise for how their life will improve
  • Wrap up with a warm invitation

Once I started following that basic framework, I noticed it EVERYWHERE - Ads, emails, websites.

It just works.Now I don't dread writing, I actually enjoy getting creative with it!

thank you for sharing this! When did you know the framework worked and resonated with your audience (like what kind of indicators did you get?)
When I first crafted my LinkedIn intro highlighting my collaborative spirit and diverse expertise, I wasn't sure how it would land. But the positive indicators quickly showed me it resonated:-I received comments praising how my intro immediately conveyed my values and strengths.-I presented and discussed MND's (MyNextDeveloper- my startup) growth with top creators on LinkedIn during an event.-My openness to mentorship led to 2 seasoned leaders offering their guidance.-Endorsements rolled in for my communication and project management skills.-I was invited to speak at an industry conference on team leadership principles.Most importantly, it opened doors to collaborate and uplift others. I'm happy to pay it forward and support the community goals too!
wow these are such great insights! Keep being open to opportunities and saying yes, it will continue to lead to greatness.
This is a great framework. It almost neatly follows the Story Spine that Pixar uses (and a fun game Applied Improvisors use to help in marketing or communications). More context here with examples:,lay%20out%20in%20the%20template.and here's the "formula" used: Once upon a time _______. Every day _______. But one day_____ because of that ______ because of that _____ because of that _____ until finally ______. And ever since then __________. And an example of Finding Nemo:Once upon a time...There was a fish named Marlin who loved his son Nemo more than anythingEvery day...Marlin tried to protect his son from the ocean which he fearedBut, one day...Nemo was taken away by a scuba diver adBecause of this...Marlin had to leave the safety of his home reef in order to find NemoBecause of this...He ran into sharks, jellyfish and other dangerous creatures andBecause of that...Marlin had to take a leap of faithUntil finally...Marlin had to let go of his fear and began to trust that Nemo had what it takes to free Dory from the fishing netAnd ever since then...Marlin gave Nemo the space he needed to learn on his ownYou can use this formula as a game with teams to best solve problems, design marketing campaigns, or just for fun to practice listening and collaboration skills.
The story is everything; our brains are wired for it. Have you read Building a Storybrand by Donald Miller?
No i have not! Is it a good read? Would love your insights on the same