
I started a single-member LLC in Ca in the past year. What tips and tricks are there?

I decided to make the leap and work for myself starting in September 2023. I filed as an LLC in CA because that's where I live, but I hope to move abroad with my family next year. I just got an accountant, but I'm curious about some tips and tricks for the first year of starting your own business.

If you have been in this situation, what advice would you give yourself in your first year of starting your own business?

Oh so cool! Where do you want to move potentially? :) Hm I think @danya @Chelsea @StellaGold might have some input for you!
Thank you! I'm planning on moving to France in the next year for at least 6 months.
Hi @danibicknell Congrats on making the leap and working for yourself! 🎉I've been in business for 5+ years, originally in WA and now in CA, and I too am set up as a single member LLC. If you have any particular questions, I'd be happy to answer them. Without knowing about your or your biz, my general advice would be to have conversations with lots of people, asking what they're up to and telling them what you're up to now and asking them to keep you in mind if they talk to anyone who could benefit from your work. For most of us, asking for business is harrrrrrd. But telling folks what we're up to now, in a non-salesy, we're just catching up way can feel much easier. And it still gets the information out there so that folks can hire you. As a bonus, to make it as easy as possible for folks to send business your way, explain what you do and who you do it for as clearly as you can. This might be hard at first, but the more of those conversations you have, the easier it will become and the better you'll be at it. Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out via my website,, if you want to chat more.
I'd love to hear your thoughts! This is really valuable advice and I'm getting more motivation to do stuff like this. I'm a social impact entrepreneur that helps similar entrepreneurs (but my focus is on supporting female entrepreneurs).
Glad this was helpful! If you want to chat more, you can grab time for a virtual coffee here: