
Self-care Saturday

“You’re going to have to be healthy. You’re going to have to be in the best shape possible for where God is taking you.”

Bishop TD Jakes reminded us of this several years ago at a women’s conference in Atlanta.

Fast forward to to the pandemic when my weight rose to ~170 pounds. I told myself 11 years ago the only way by business would fail is: (1) if my health fails (2) when I die.

I snapped this selfie after Zumba this morning to remind myself:

🎯you still have millions of women to reach; therefore enjoy this 30 day no carbs/no sugar challenge. Next level requires new habits!

🎯desire backed by faith knows no such word as impossible

🎯 my dominating thoughts will eventually produce my reality

🎯incremental, intentional steps consistently taken over time produce massive results #WaistlineLoading

🎯prioritize your health (physical health, financial health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, relational health), pursue purpose and make PowHer Moves!

"prioritize your health (physical health, financial health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual health, relational health)" that's it right there!Question for you Ericka, I think there's a lot of advice going around for physical health and mental health but what about the others? For instance how do you preserve your financial, emotional, spiritual and relational (what exactly is it btw) health?
Preserving your health in every area of your life requires intention, commitment and clarity. For example, I create goals (clarity) and align my actions (intention + commitment) with them. I desire supportive, loving relationships that cultivate positive growth in absence of gossip and drama. Any close relationship that doesn’t consistently meet that criteria is no longer a close relationship. I meditate, hang out in the You Version Bible app, read devotionals etc. because I recognize success is an inside job. In terms of finances, everyone should have money goals; money can serve as a great stress reliever.
Thanks for responding! I agree on all accounts and have followup questions (if I may and if you are able to answer) - practically speaking how do you come up with those goals and how do you ensure they are always aligned with your intentions? Like do you do a weekly checkin with your thoughts? Do you write it down?I find your framework super interesting and focused so I am trying to learn too haha!
You mentioned your MBA in a different thread. If you said for example I want my MBA. You'd create the goal (I write my goals down and track my progress). You'd then capture what's required for you to successfully achieve the goal. In terms of your thoughts, you can't control them but you can manage them. Whatever you focus on expands so eliminating distractions has to be a priority daily.