
Women have a bad habit. They lose their sense of self and so don't understand their value.

We need to do better! We need to take stock of what we do that is beyond the scope of our jobs. So often, we hop in to help, or handle an upset client, or take some work home to ensure the client's needs are met.

And yet, we still earn less than men (on average).

Once you know your worth, you can go to your boss or HR and say, "You know, I'm worth a lot more than you pay me. Here, look at all the achievements on my resume. Can we talk about future promotions or raises?" If they choose to ignore the amazing value you bring to the organization, no problem. You have a resume to look elsewhere.

So, if you haven't already got that resume, it's time. Not sure if your value shows? Please send it for a FREE analysis to: [email protected] (He's my brother.) Please mention Elpha in the email. Then, if you choose to have us help you turn your resume from lead to gold, we will give you a promo discount.

Thank you for sharing! FYI tagged the community "resources" on the post!
Hi @deniselevine thank you so much for sharing this I will email your brother!